Naruto is beloved as one of the most in-depth anime adventure series of all time, with tons of Naruto merch and fan art to explore! The series begins 12 years before the start of Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke’s adventures, when the Nine-Tailed Fox attacks the Hidden Leaf Village. Minato and Kushina (the fourth Hokage and his wife, and Naruto’s parents) try to defeat the Nine-Tailed Fox.
When they realize they can’t, Minato seals the Nine-Tails inside Naruto using a forbidden Jutsu. The third Hokage steps up as the new leader after Minato’s death and forbids anyone from speaking of the Nine-Tails, making sure Naruto has no idea it resides within him. Shunned because of his connection to the Nine-Tails, Naruto grows up isolated and neglected. In an attempt to gain the love and approval of his village, he promises to become the greatest Hokage of the Hidden Leaf.
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